Kristen Luman has one of the most sought after classes at Unplug Meditation. Her clear-guided imagery transports you to your inner voice every time. Not only are her classes always a delightful surprise but many of our clients come out claiming that they feel lighter, happier, healed and in tune with themselves. Her private sessions have been known to lessen chronic pain and allow people to move forward from what has previously blocked them. Kristen is positive, light, inspiring and her meditations will lead to great discovery.
~ Suze Yalof Schwartz | Owner of Unplug Meditation
Kristen has an amazing ability to really make you feel at ease and as if you’re talking to a friend within the first 15 min of speaking with her. I was a first time hypnotherapy patient and leery of the process but was soon relaxed and really enjoyed the experience. My sessions are very beneficial and I look forward to each visit.
~ Jenelle Hadfield | Make-up Artist

Kristen is very professional, takes time to listen to anything and everything. She is able to put you at complete ease and will make you feel in control.
In the short time we have been having sessions I have overcome and learned so many things about myself I finally love myself again. Kristen has helped me realize that I can’t fix others only my perceptions of them and the situations. I am now more at ease with certain family members, which makes for huge changes in our visits. I am no longer one to put the blame on myself but can look at the situations from a bystander view to realize there was nothing I could do differently.
In a couple of sessions I have had confirmation from my late father and grandfathers that I am loved and needed even if others don’t know it. Under hypnosis I have realized that my passion for painting, photography and life are still within me, with the help of Kristen I am now back to painting and my photography has never been better.
The best result of my sessions so far came in the form of a visit from my mother. For the first time in decades we laughed, cried, and talked for hours, it truly was the best visit I have had in a very long time. I now have a better relationship with my sisters and brothers as well.
Happiness, self-love, self-awareness and just pure enjoyment are just a few of the things that I have received in the last few months. My step is lighter, my smile is bigger, and my aura is no longer dull and drab. I feel like I glow golden after talking to my angel Kristen.
~ Kari Wellborn
She has the ability to calm fears and ease pain which is much needed in the medical field.
~ Abby Wirthlin | Oncology Nurse
I wanted to talk a little on how Kristen has helped me in my life. I have been meeting with Kirsten for around a year. I have been going through depression for around 25 years. Using antidepressants for all those years. I went through many up’s and downs.
I went to the internet and did some checking on different sites about depression and came upon Kristen Luman site and so I gave it a chance.
In our first conversation I could tell Kristen had lots of devotion and caring for my situation and had feeling for me as a person, not just a number on a paper.
Going through the Hypnotherapy with Kristen it is a subtle way of working problems out. For me it has helped with depression, some pain issues, and with getting along with family and friends. I was in so much of a depressed mood I would not do things that I really enjoyed doing. I love to sing and write poems and had all but quit for almost a year. With the help of Kirsten, I was back to writing and singing within maybe just one to two sessions. At this time it is still going strong and I am really thankful for her help for bringing this part of my life back.
I tell anyone who might be thinking about doing this to give it a try. It brought caring back into my life.
~ Richard Payne
Kristen Luman really helped ease my husband’s fears about his recent major surgery. I really think the imagery work helped lessen his anxiety and speed up the healing process.
~ Terry Don Grief